Friday, April 13, 2007

Web Video Adds Impact

"Why read the web when you can watch it?".

We've all grown up in an environment where most of our everyday information comes from watching video and television. Relatively light work. Until recently, the web required one's 'active' participation....we had to work a little by reading the content. This is because the web has traditionally taken design cues from 'newspaper / magazine' formatting. That changed about 3 years ago with the advent of flash video and shortly after that, the emergence of You Tube.

Now, the savvy website owner is beginning to take advantage of the fact they can easily add video to their websites. What are the costs? You can video tape yourself speaking from your desk ( a 'talking head' ) with a video camera or newer digital camera for very little ( We charge 99.00 per hour to turn your video into the web ready flash video format).

I wanted to show my clients how easy it is to take advantate of the power of web video, so we shot a Webcast 1 'CEO greeting' video in our conference room with a 400.00 camera in under 15 minutes.We then converted the .avi file to a flash video file so it would play instantly on our homepage. I know the video flickers a bit and the sound is tinny, but we were trying to prove a point. If production values are more important, you can produce a short company overview video for roughly 1,500.00.

Adding an instant video ads immediate impact to your website. Visitors stay on your website longer. They can 'humm' your video jingle. They can actually see your employees in action. Your video can even help drive more traffic to your website once you have an SEO get your videos indexed in You Tube and Google Video ( do a search for 'Florida ants' in Google Video and you'll see our client . We all grew up watching TV, now future generations will grow up 'watching the web'.


Frank Okun said...

Although video production is relatively inexpensive, I would add that audio presentations are also inexpensive, and can be added to any web page quickly. For those who don't have the time to wait for video to be produced, audio can certainly be considered as an alternative. For example, audio presentations, like the one on the homepage at can jump start the conversion rate, that is improving the "call to action" rate. Sites like Absolutely Health Care are using audio to assist visitors in navigating their sites.

David Zelinka said...
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David Zelinka said...

The majority of people much rather watch something than read it to attain information. Although some people just enjoy reading, information can be acquired faster if it is watched and dictated to you, rather than going through the relatively time consuming process of reading. A lot more information can be moved by means of web video than web text and anyone that utilizes this will have increased business. Visitors to your web page will most likely stay longer. Because it is becoming easier to add web video to websites it is becoming a more viable option, for a person's or business web page to actually use a web video. The earlier this is realized the better. Watching a web video is also, in my opinion, more enjoyable. A potential client will be more receptive to what you are trying to sell if it is in a web video. It also allows another method of communication.
You can see what is going on in the place in which the video was taken, lets say your office, and it kind of feels like your there with the person in the video and that's nice.

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